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Configure the Agility Connect Service

  • Go to Settings > System and add your Continuum site's domain name to the UI URL (External) field.


  • Edit the/etc/continuum/continuum.yaml file and:
    • Add Agility Connect (ECHO) as a feature to Continuum (under "features"). Once added, the Agility Connect service starts automatically in a minute or two. You can also start the Agility Connect service by restarting Continuum (ctm-restart-services).
    • Add echo_datasync_countthat determines the number of Agility Connect threads that can run in parallel. The echo_datasync_count is by default set to 10. You can increase or decrease this count per your requirements.
    • Add Echo Data Migrationas one of the features if you want to migrate Assets from Jira Agility.
    • Add Echo Import Mapping as one of the features if you want to Migrate your ALM Connect Data to Agility Connect.

  • Typically, the ctm-echo_sync service is added automatically to the service.conf file as long as the service.conffile is available at its default location (/etc/continuum/service.conf). If you have the service.conf file at a customlocation (especially in a hosted setup), make sure that you have the ctm-echo_datasync service added to the service.conf file.