Store Signing Credentials
You can choose to store signing credentials for iOS and Android apps by saving the credentials you use to sign an app. This can save time later time during the signing process by allowing you to select appropriate credentials from a list. It also removes the need for multiple administrators to obtain and store all necessary credentials on their local machines.
To save after signing
Follow the procedure described in To sign an app with new credentials.
After you've entered the credentials, click Sign and Save.
In the dialog box that appears:
a. Enter a description of the credentials in the Description field.
b. If the credentials require a password, and you'd like to save it for using these credentials in the future, click Save Password.
Click Sign and Save.
The credentials are saved and appear in the Sign with Stored Credentials section on this page when signing apps in the future.
To save without signing
Follow the procedure described in To sign an app with new credentials.
After you've entered the credentials, click Save Without Signing.
In the dialog box that appears:
a. Enter a description of the credentials in the Description field.
b. If the credentials require a password, and you'd like to save it for using these credentials in the future, click Save Password.
Click Save Without Signing.
The credentials are saved and appear in the Sign with Stored Credentials section on this page when signing apps in the future. The app is not yet signed at this point.
To delete signing credentials
You can delete signing credentials that you no longer want to store in the App Management database. Deleting credentials on this page will also prevent them from being used to sign any other app, but doing so no impact on apps that were already signed with those credentials.
- On any app's Sign tab, in the Sign with Stored Credentials section, click the X next to the credentials you want to remove.
- Click OK.