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Defect Analytic Grid

This artilce provides an overview of the Defect Analytics Grid in Agility.


The Defect Analytic Grid presents a multidimensional view of Defects.

Defect Analytics Grid

Each bar chart in the grid only includes the data represented by the row and column intersection. Using the controls at the top of the page, you can control: the x- and y- axes of the Bar chart, the aggregate function used to determine the bar height, the row and column grouping and you can filter the data presented.

Accessing this Grid

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconAnalytics.
  2. Click the Analytic Grids tab followed by the Defect tab.

Analytic Grids Backlog Matrix

Clicking on the Details button, presents a table of the data that can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

Please note that Text Fields are not available in Analytic Grids. We do not display text fields on Grids because they are not trended over time and we use an AsOf date on the grids to look across time.

Additional Options

  • Printing and exporting a report to PDF