Basic install
This topic describes how to perform a basic installation of Deploy - either a simple setup with the default configuration, or a manual setup in which you can choose specific options. If you are installing Deploy in a production-ready environment that includes options like a separate, clustered database server, load balancing for your Deploy servers, an active/hot-standby cluster configuration for your Deploy servers, and other security, monitoring, and performance considerations, see Production install.
Caching in Deploy
* Deploy 23.1 and later lets you cache frequently accessed data for better performance and reduced latency.
Central Configuration as a Standalone Service
This section describes how to install Central Configuration service as a separate service when you install or upgrade the Deploy solution.
Central Configuration Overview
This topic describes the transition to a Kubernetes-based containerized Deploy solution, where Deploy shared configuration files are moved to a centralized location managed by the Central Configuration Management server.
Configure Caching for a Single Node Deploy Server
Note: Any failure during the caching setup will be captured in the logs but will not stop the application from starting.
Configure Caching for Deploy Cluster Setup
Note: Active-Hot-standby mode is not supported for caching setup.
Deploy CLI installation
You can install the Deploy command-line interface (CLI) on any remote computer and connect to the Deploy server.
Get and Delete Cached Data using API
You can retrieve and delete cached data using the following actuator API endpoints:
HTTP CSRF protection
This topic addresses Cross site request forgery(CSRF), which is a class of attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on an application when the user is authenticated. The Deploy frontend uses endpoints protected with CSRF .
Install and configure a satellite server
This topic provides information on how to install and configure a satellite server.
Install Deploy Satellite as a service
You can install and run Deploy Satellite as a service on your Unix or Microsoft Windows machine. The satellite service wrapper requires Java Development Kit 8 or higher to be installed on the target Unix or Windows machine.
Install or remove a plugin
This topic provides information about how Deploy runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and utilizes two classloaders one for the server itself, and one for the plugins and extensions. A plugin can have an .xldp or a .jar extension. The XLDP format is a ZIP archive that bundles a plugin with all of its dependencies.
Installation Prerequisites
This topic provides information about the software and hardware requirements to install and run Deploy.
Licensing the Deploy Product
This topic details how licenses work in Deploy, distinguishing between the Trial Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Permission microservice (BETA)
This topic describes the Permission service in Deploy.
Plugins classloader
This topic provides information on how Deploy operates on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with two classloaders: one for the server and one for plugins and extensions. Plugins can be packaged in either .xldp or .jar formats, with the XLDP format being a ZIP archive that includes the plugin and all its dependencies.
Production Environment Installation
This topic is a step-by-step guide on how to set up Deploy in a production-ready environment. It describes how to configure the product, environment, and server resources to get the most out of the product. This topic is structured in three sections:
Set up an Active-Active Cluster
This topic describes how to set up an active-active cluster for Deploy with multiple master and multiple external workers.
Set up an Active—Hot-standby Cluster
This topic covers the high availability (HA) configuration in Deploy. To support high availability (HA), you can configure Deploy in clustered active/hot-standby mode. In this mode, only one Deploy node is active at one time, while the hot standby node is ready to become active if needed.
Start Deploy
This topic provides instructions for starting the Deploy server.
Trial install
This topic describes how to install a trial version of Deploy.
Unattended installation
You can perform an unattended install of the Deploy server, for example, using Puppet.
Upgrade Deploy - JVM
This topic describes the prerequisites, considerations and process for upgrading Deploy from version 10.1 or later to the current version.
Upgrade satellite servers
This topic provides information on upgrading Deploy. When you upgrade to a new version of Deploy, you must also upgrade your satellite servers to the corresponding version of the satellite distribution ZIP.