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Version: Early Access

Managing Ideas

This article explains how to manage Ideas in Agility.


The Ideas grid is the internal Agility view that lists all of the ideas that have been submitted through your customer-facing Ideas site. Here, Ideas administrators can perform all of the functions needed to manage the flow of information between the customer-facing Ideas site and the core Agility system.

Below are a few important points to note:

  • The Ideas menu options are only visible to members who have been designated as Ideas Administrators or Forum Administrators.
  • Ideas Administrators can manage all of ideas within the entire Ideas system.
  • Forum Administrators can only manage the ideas in the forums to which they are assigned.

Accessing the Ideas List

To access the list of ideas that users have submitted through your customer-facing Ideas site, go to Product > Ideas.

Searching for Ideas

Using the Find filter in the Ideas grid, you can search for specific ideas based on the information you enter.

  1. Click Product > Ideas.
  2. Click on the Filter drop-down menu, and then select Find.
  3. Enter your search criteria, and then click Apply Filters.

Note that you can use advanced search functions, such as keywords, And/Or, wildcards, and so on for a more precise search results.

Viewing or Adding Idea Comments

Follow these steps to see the comments that have been submitted by users and to add additional comments to an idea.

  1. Click Product > Ideas.
  2. Click the on an idea, and then click Show Relationships in the details window.
  3. Click Add Comment and add your information.

Comments from a forum administrator are highlighted in the Comments list.

Generating a Story or Backlog Item, Portfolio Item, or Request from an Idea

If you want to move an idea into your development process and share it with your internal audience, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Click Product > Ideas.

  2. Next to an idea, select one of the following options:

    • To create a new Story or Backlog item, click Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item).
    • To create a new Request, click Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item) drop-down arrow, and then select Generate Request.
    • To create a new Portfolio Item, click the Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item) drop-down arrow, and then select Generate Portfolio Item.
  3. Enter the appropriate information and click OK.

You can also generate new ideas from an existing story to help populate a brand new Ideas system or to get customer feedback on ideas that have been generated by the team and logged directly into the backlog.

Changing the Status of an Idea

If you would like to communicate to your users the progression of an idea as it moves forward in the planning and delivery process, you can change the status. In the users' view, the "planned" and "completed" tabs display only when ideas are marked as such.

  1. Click Product > Ideas.
  2. Next to an idea, click Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item), and select Mark as Planned, Mark as Completed, or Mark as Candidate.

Viewing Idea Votes

You can see the list of votes that an idea has received on the Details page of an idea. You can also see the name and email address of each voter. This can be handy if you want to ask users to participate in deeper discovery activities such as reviewing mockups or prototypes.

  1. Click Product > Ideas.
  2. Click on an idea title to open the Details page and click on the Votes tab.

Moderating Ideas, Comments, and Users

You have several options for moderating ideas, comments, and users within the system to help when a user is behaving inappropriately.

If you want to...Then...
Flag Inappropriate ideas
1. Click Product > Ideas.
2. Next to an idea, click on the Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item) button, and then select one of the following options:

3. Mark as Inappropriate - Removes an inappropriate idea
Suspend Author - Suspends the user's accounts

Flag inappropriate comments
1. Click Product > Ideas.
2. Click on the name of an idea, on the Ideas Details page, click on the Generate Story (or Generate Backlog Item) drop-down arrow, and then select:

Mark as Inappropriate - Removes an inappropriate idea
Suspend Author - Suspends the user's accounts

Suspend a user
1. Click Product > Ideas.
2. Click on the Suspend button next to user's name.

Idea Details Page

Setting Up Ideas

Ideas Administrator Roles

Using Grids

Idea Details Page

Using Ideas

Managing Stories Backlog Items

Using Requests to Capture User Feedback and Suggestions

Portfolio Item Overview

Viewing Story Details

Admin Privileges Role Summary and Descriptions

Admin Privileges Roles

Ideas Administrator Roles