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Version: Early Access

Adding a New OKR

Adding a new OKR (Objectives and Key Results) involves a thoughtful process to set clear goals and measurable outcomes. Learn how to add a new OKR that aligns with your teams' goal or with your organizations' goal. Add key results to the OKR to measure the progress towards achieving your objective.

  1. Log in to Agility, click the hamburger menu > OKR's.
  2. In the Objectives and Key Results page, click New OKR.
  3. Enter a name for the OKR and click Save.
  4. Click the Session drop-down
  5. Choose an existing session from the drop - down
  • or
  1. Create a new session, select Start Date, End Date from calendar and click Save.
  2. Enter a description for the OKR and click Save.

The user is notified that a new OKR is added to Agility.

Add New Key Result

After you complete adding the OKR, the new OKR is displayed in the OKR and Key Results page. To add Key Results to the OKR, follow the steps given here.

  1. Click New Key Results.
  2. Enter the Key Result Summary for the selected Objective.
  3. Enter a description for the key result.
  4. Select the Key result type. a. Quantitative - Measurable in numbers, options are:
    • Should increase to - indicates by how much value the key result should increase
    • Should decrease to - indicates by how much value the key result should decrease
    • Should stay above - indicates that the key result should stay above this value
    • Should stay below - indicates that the key result should stay below this value b. Qualitative - Descriptive and measurable through achievement
    • Not Achieved - indicates that the key result was not achieved
    • Achieved - indicates that the key result was achieved
  5. Enter the Current Value, Initial Value and Target.
    • a. Current Value - Displays the current value of the key result
    • b. Initial Value - Displays the initial value of the key result
    • c. Target - Displays the target value of the key result which should be met
  6. Select the Unit value.
  7. Specify a numerical value to indicate the key results’ progress.
  8. Select the required Commitment from the drop-down menu. a. Committed - Represents the objectives that must be achieved by the end of session. b. Aspirational - Represents the objectives that might stretch beyond the session.
  9. Click Save. The new key result is saved and associated with the selected objective.

Example for quantitative key result:

Objective: Increase customer satisfaction Key Result Type (Quantitative), Net Promoter Score (NPS) will improve by 10 points (Unit) from a baseline of 60 (Initial Number) to 70 (Target Number) by the end of the quarter.

This example uses a quantitative key result with a clearly defined unit (NPS) and target number (70). The initial number (60) provides a benchmark to track progress.

By outlining your OKRs with these components, you ensure your key results are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This clarity helps teams understand success and track progress effectively.

Accessing an Objective or Key Result directly

Agility allows users to access an objective or key results directly using the Copy URL option.

Copy URL

To access objectives or key results directly, follow the steps given here.

  1. From the OKR listing page, select an OKR
  2. In the Objective screen or key results screen, click copy URL
  3. Open a new browse window and paste the URL and hit enter
  4. The selected Objective or Key results is displayed

Adding Comments to Objective or Key Results

Agility allows users to add comments to objectives or key results directly from the comments section. Add Comment to OKRs