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Version: 25.0

Member Actuals Report

This article provides an overview of the Member Actuals Report in Agility.


The Member Actuals report shows the total Effort (or work members have entered in any Done field) entered in a project during a specific period of time. This report totals the Effort of a Member Group and allows you to sort it by day, week, or month.

Member Actuals

Accessing This Report

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconReportsAll Reports.
  2. In the Member or Team Reports section, click Member Actuals.


To view this report, Effort Tracking must be enabled.

Report Filters or Parameters

  • Member Group: Shows data for active members in the selected member group only. When a member is added or removed, both the current and historical values change.

  • Start Date: The first date the report begins calculating data.

    • For project-based reports, the default start date is the project start date.
    • For sprint or iteration-based reports, the default start date is the sprint or iteration start date.
    • For member-based reports, the default start date is 13 weeks prior to the current date.
    • If the start date is set to the current date or later, no data displays.
  • Duration: The number of days, weeks, or months to display.

    • For project-based reports, the default duration is the number of weeks from the project's start date to today.
    • For sprint or iteration-based reports, the default duration is the number of days in the sprint or iteration.
    • For member-based reports, the default duration is 13 weeks.
    • The report ends at the current date, so if the selected start date and duration extend past the current date, no data displays after the current date.

Technical Details

The totals are calculated based on:

  • Open and Closed Effort logged for the project (and child projects), regardless of sprint.
  • Effort for all child projects (unless "Single Level Project View" is selected in the project navigator).
  • Effort logged during the period selected (e.g. if you select the Duration in Days, the total Effort is counted from the day the task was set to Done, and not counted during any other period of time).

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Managing Stories Backlog Items

Detail Tracking

View Tasks on Taskboard

Using the My Work Page