Ideas Administrator Roles
This article explains what actions the Ideas administrator can perform in Agility.
Overview Agility system administrators can specify the members within their organization who can manage the Ideas system and the access rights they have (Ideas Administrator or Forum Administrator) within the system.
The administration roles discussed in this article apply only to the Ideas add-on system, not to Agility. To learn more about the Agility access rights and roles, see Roles and Project Membership.
Ideas Administrators
Ideas Administrators are Agility members who have been granted rights to manage the entire Ideas system, including:
- setting up Ideas within Agility (System Admin Role required)
- customizing the look and feel of the customer-facing Ideas site (System Admin Role required)
- customize email notifications and upload policies to the external or customer Ideas site (System Admin Role required)
- creating new forums and categories
- assigning and managing other Ideas Administrators and Forum Administrators
- managing Ideas users
- managing all ideas and forums within the system
- managing the flow of information between Agility and the external customer Ideas site (for example, generate new stories or backlog items from ideas, change the status of ideas, and so on)
See Adding an Ideas Administrator to learn more.
Forum Administrators
Forum Administrators can only manage what happens within the forum to which they are assigned, including:
- manage all content within any forum
- manage the flow of information between Agility and the external customer Ideas site
Ideas Administrators will automatically be listed as administrators on all forums. You can view the level of access of any individual in the member list or on the Member Details page.
Related concepts
Related tasks
Understanding Roles and Project Membership
Using the Customer-Facing Ideas Site
Configuring and Testing SMTP Settings
Managing Stories Backlog Items
Using Requests to Capture User Feedback and Suggestions